
Training Running

Club Runs

Track sessions on Mondays at Aldershot Military Stadium, off Queens Avenue (19:30 start) continue throughout the year. Map here.

During the winter run training takes place after a swim session on a Sunday morning.

Time and place will be advised prior to each session.

For all runs the newsletter will contain details of dates and distances

Training Guidelines

These guidelines are a summary of the most important rules about running.

      1. Evaluate your present fitness level and set a realistic goal. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health or fitness consult your doctor.
      2. Learn how to take your pulse (on your wrist or on the side of your neck just below the jaw line at the carotid artery). Alternatively use a heart rate monitor. Your heart or pulse rate enables you to determine how much effort you are putting into your running and measure your fitness level.
      3. Keep a diary to log your training activities, note the distance, how you feel and your pulse rates.
      4. Remember that warming up before and warming down after training is important to avoid injuries and to help your body prepare for, or recover from strenuous exercise. Advice on stretching routines can be obtained from club members or from running and fitness magazines.
      5. Training should be planned to maximise your race performance. In order to do this you should find a well planned training programme, again specialist running magazines and books will have examples.
      6. It is important to listen to your body and rest if you are tired. Learn the difference between simple muscle discomfort from hard running and more serious pain that may cause later injury.
      7. Do not increase your weekly total distance by more than 10% per week.
      8. If you are injured rest. See a specialist sports injury consultant or your doctor. 

Cross Country

Have you been bitten by the cross-country bug? If not, you’ve got some catching up to do because more and more triathletes are realising just how beneficial a winter of cross-country running can be. As well as being one of the most effective ways to maintain a good aerobic base in autumn and winter, cross-country running will do a great deal more than simply keep you at a certain fitness level. This is because the country puts up resistance unlike roads and pavements. Plus it’s a great fun way to keep in contact with fellow club members during the triathlon close-season.

Farnham Triathlon Club is one of over 20 local clubs competing in the Southern Cross Country League.

The League, previously known as the Hampshire Division of the Today’s Runner Winter League, has 23 running clubs who compete in 6-7 multi-terrain events held between October and March. There are some 300 runners at each race and a team comprises 4 men and 4 women.

The League has grown from strength to strength over the years and there is a considerable amount of friendly rivalry between the member clubs.

The details of the race programme are published on the Diary page of Bob Ayer’s website.

Race dates will be published on the Club Calendar and advertised in the weekly newsletter and the club Facebook page.

Park Run

Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Parkrun events are all over the UK and the world at 9am on Saturday mornings. Every Parkrun is 5k. It is free and you only need to register once. Please enter as Farnham Triathlon Club.

There are lots of park runs within 30 minutes of Farnham. On the last Saturday of each month, club members meet at a nominated Parkrun. We wear club vests to fly the flag for FTC. We run at Rushmoor, Alice Holt, Frimley Lodge, Edenbrook and Hogmoor enclosure. Some members share cars. Afterwards we often have coffee in a nearby café and have a good chat. If 5k is too short, some members run to the event and then run home.

For more details of the next one please contact John Bennison.