“It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the welfare of all those who participate in multi-sport”
Our aim is to create an environment that is safe and inclusive for all members participating in multi-sports for them to achieve their potential in swimming, cycling, running, coaching, officiating or supporting those who do.
Welfare is essential to contribute to good practice within the sport, develop performance and to ensure the safety and enjoyment of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers. We take welfare matters very seriously.
Farnham Triathlon Club has adopted, and endorses, the principles of the British Triathlon Federation (BTF) Welfare Policies and Procedures, which includes Child Protection Procedures. These policies and procedures are laid out in the document below.
Version 1, Reviewed March 2024,
Alanna Sussex, Welfare Officer, 07910 061957
1. Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy
The Farnham Triathlon Club Safeguarding Policy sets out our belief in and commitment to safeguarding and protecting all children and adults at risk involved in triathlon, safeguarding their welfare and protecting them from all forms of abuse and neglect.
Farnham Triathlon Club, consider the safety and wellbeing of children as central to its values. All concerns about children must be acted upon and reported immediately. Where there are concerns and disclosures of abuse against children, we will prioritise the wellbeing of the child and act in accordance with all relevant UK legislation and guidance. Poor practice is taken extremely seriously and it is viewed as a breach of our safeguarding policy.
The Farnham Triathlon Cub Safeguarding Policy applies to and is mandatory for everyone involved with Farnham Triathlon Club. Failure to comply with this policy will be addressed without delay in line with the club’s disciplinary procedures and may ultimately result in dismissal or exclusion.
Guiding Principles
For the purpose of this policy, we use the following definition: ‘a child is defined as anyone under the 18 years of age’. Children’s rights guide us in what our clubs’ responsibilities are. The following rights are highlighted:
- Each child has the right to protection from all forms of abuse, neglect or exploitation
- Each child has a right to be treated as an individual
- Each child has the right to express views on all matters that affect them in order to minimise the risk of abuse.
Farnham Triathlon Club’s policy is built on the following principles:
- The welfare of the child is paramount and must be prioritised at all times.
- Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility, and everyone must act appropriately, and report concerns. Doing nothing is NOT an option and all concerns must be reported.
- Farnham Triathlon Club and all individuals involved within must understand and accept their responsibility to report concerns to the appropriate officer.
- All children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to be treated with respect and dignity.
- Children should be encouraged to express their views in matters affecting them and these views valued.
- All allegations, suspicions and concerns of poor practice, harm or abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately.
- We recognise the role and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding children and are committed to complying with local and national safeguarding procedures. All concerns and disclosures that indicate illegal action will be reported to external authorities.
Farnham Triathlon Club will keep children safe by:
- Promoting and prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children and adults at risk.
- Appointing a Club Welfare Officer to provide advice and guidance for safeguarding who has completed the relevant Club Welfare Officer Training as defined by British Triathlon and the Home Nations every three years.
- Ensuring everyone has positive and enjoyable experience in the sport of triathlon in a safe and child centred environment whilst at Farnham Triathlon Club.
- Ensuring everyone is protected from all forms of abuse whilst at Farnham Triathlon Club and in the sport of triathlon.
- Promoting and prioritising the British Triathlon Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Adult at Risk Policies and Home Nations procedures.
- Adopting child and adult at risk protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
- Ensuring everyone at Farnham Triathlon Club understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of Safeguarding and are provided with learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns.
- Ensuring that appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents or concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual(s) who raise or disclose the concern.
- Following the Home Nations safeguarding reporting procedures and reporting concerns raised with the Home Nation Lead Safeguarding Officer.
- Ensuring that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
- Make sure everyone at Farnham Triathlon Club knows where to go for help or have a concern
- Valuing, listening and respecting children at risk.
- Ensuring there is a commitment to review safeguarding practice within the club via committee meetings and members involvement.
- Recruiting and selecting staff, coaches, activators and volunteers safely ensuring all necessary checks are made.
- Ensuring coaches and activators, volunteers, staff, club officers working or volunteering with children in regulated activity hold the appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS) through British Triathlon and is renewed every three years.
- Ensuring that all coaches and activators working or volunteering with children at Farnham Triathlon Club obtain an appropriate safeguarding training certificate as defined by British Triathlon.
Contact Details:
British Triathlon Lead Safeguarding Officer: 07384 214726 / 01509 837137
If you believe a child is at risk of immediate harm, then contact the police on 999
Club welfare Officer: Alanna Sussex 07910 061957
2. Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
Ensuring that Farnham Tri Club organised training and events are run to the highest possible safety standards and being prepared to review its ways of working to incorporate good practice.
Ensuring the principles of safeguarding adults are applied and embedded across the sport and the club.
Providing resources, training and guidance to all club members, club activity participants and volunteers to assist them in understanding the meaning of Adults at Risk.
Where appropriate, working in partnership with parents and/or carers to support the Adult at Risk to achieve the best outcome for them.
Appointing and training (via the BTF Safeguarding Adults training programme) a designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for safeguarding adults in Triathlon.
Carefully selecting and appointing all club committee members and coaches, applying the processes and procedures set out in the Farnham Tri Club Constitution.
Treating all club members and event participants with respect and celebrate their achievements.
Making safeguarding personal to the adult involved and take into account the adults views, wishes, beliefs and wants as part of the safeguarding process.
Responding swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected or actual abuse and continuously improve the support and guidance the club offers to its coaches and members.
Recognising the role and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and is committed to complying with local safeguarding procedures.
Providing resources and guidance to all club members, volunteers and coaches to assist them in understanding the meaning of Adults at Risk.
Ensuring that the club will have a Welfare Officer who will be able to provide safeguarding support and advice within the club environment, and ensure safeguarding duties are carried out when an adult meets the ‘at risk’ definition.
Operating within the principles of the England and Wales – Mental Capacity Act 2005 and support all adults to make informed decisions
3. Triathlon England’s Safeguarding Reporting
For full details of the reporting procedures, please refer to the Triathlon England’s Reporting Procedures here:
In particular you must:
- Recognise – Be able to identify abuse and neglect and raise a concern.
- Respond – Reassure the child/adult at risk tell them what you will need to do.
- Record – Who, what, where and when. Make sure you write down what you see, hear or are told, separating fact from fiction. Keep your record safe and maintain confidentiality.
- Refer – Your concerns to the Club Welfare Officer, or the Triathlon England Lead Safeguarding Officer if either you recognise or suspect abuse and neglect, or you are responding to an allegation from a child or adult at risk.
Sharing the right information, at the right time, with the right people, is fundamental to good practice in safeguarding and protecting children.
The Club Welfare Officer is responsible for receiving and managing safeguarding issues within the club and will inform the Triathlon England Lead Safeguarding Officer of concerns as soon as possible. The Club Welfare Officer is the person within Farnham Triathlon Club with primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children and adults, and for putting into place procedures to safeguard children in the club. If there is a concern the Club Welfare Officer is the first point of contact for any concerns or allegations. The Officer will ensure that confidentiality is maintained in all cases, decide on the appropriate action to be taken, in line with Farnham Triathlon Club procedures and inform the Triathlon England Lead Safeguarding Officer.
4. Useful Resources
Safeguarding and Protecting Children:
British Triathlon Safeguarding Children Policy
Triathlon England Reporting Procedure
Safeguarding Standards in more detail:
Transporting Children in a Car
NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit and Parents/Carers Guide
Safeguarding and Protecting Adults: